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منتديات ريان العربية للأصدقاء

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 جبران خليل جبران بالفرنسية

اذهب الى الأسفل 
4 مشترك
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عضو متميز

عدد الرسائل : 56
العمر : 29
العمل/الترفيه : زهوانية
المزاج : وفية , مخلصة
تاريخ التسجيل : 07/01/2008

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Khalil Gibran
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Khalil Gibran

Born January 6, 1883
Bsharri, Lebanon

Died April 10, 1931 (aged 48)
New York City, United States

poet, visual artist, painter, sculptor

Lebanese American

Khalil Gibran (full name Gibran Khalil Gibran Ben Mikha'il Ben Saâd, Arabic: جبران خليل جبران بن ميخائيل بن سعد, (January 6, 1883 – April 10, 1931) was a Lebanese American artist, poet and writer. He was born in Lebanon (at the time a Syrian Province of the Ottoman Empire) and spent much of his productive life in the United States.
• 1 Youth in Lebanon
• 2 Youth in America
• 3 Art and poetry
• 4 Death and legacy
• 5 Selected works
• 6 Gardens in honor of Gibran
• 7 Trivia
• 8 References
• 9 External links

[edit] Youth in Lebanon
According to a relative of the same name, the Gibran family's origins are obscure. Though his mother was the "offspring of a priestly, and important family", the Gibran clan was "small and undistinguished." He was born in the Christian Maronite town of Bsharri in today's northern Lebanon - at the time, part of the Ottoman Empire - and grew up in the region of Bsharri. His maternal grandfather was a Maronite Catholic priest[1].
As a result of his family's poverty, Gibran did not receive any formal schooling during his youth in Lebanon. However, priests visited him regularly and taught him about the Bible, as well as the Syriac and Arabic languages. During these early days, Gibran began developing ideas that would later form some of his major works. In particular, he conceived of The Prophet at this time.
After Gibran's father went to prison for fraud and tax evasion, Ottoman authorities confiscated his family's property. Authorities released Gibran's father in 1894, but the family had by then lost their home. Gibran's mother, Kamilah, decided to follow Gibran's uncle and emigrate to the United States. Gibran's father chose to remain in Lebanon. Gibran's mother, along with Khalil, his younger sisters Mariana and Sultana, and his half-brother Peter (a.k.a. Butros) left for New York on June 25, 1895.
[edit] Youth in America

Khalil Gibran, Photograph by Fred Holland Day, c. 1898
At the time the second largest Lebanese-American community was in Boston's South End, so the Gibrans decided to settle there. His mother began working as a peddler to bring in money for the family, and Gibran started school on September 30, 1895. Since he had had no formal schooling in Lebanon, school officials placed him in a special class for immigrants to learn English. Gibran's English teacher suggested that he Anglicise the spelling of his name in order to make it more acceptable to American society. Kahlil Gibran was the result.
In his early teens, the artistry of Gibran's drawings caught the eye of his teachers and he was introduced to the avant-garde Boston artist, photographer, and publisher Fred Holland Day, who encouraged and supported Gibran in his creative endeavors.
[edit] Art and poetry
A publisher used some of Gibran's drawings for book covers in 1898, and Gibran held his first art exhibition in 1904 in Boston. During this exhibition, Gibran met Mary Elizabeth Haskell, a respected headmistress ten years his senior. The two formed an important friendship that lasted the rest of Gibran's life. Though publicly discreet, their correspondence reveals an exalted intimacy. Haskell influenced not only Gibran's personal life, but also his career. In 1908, Gibran went to study art with Auguste Rodin in Paris for two years. This is where he met his art study partner and lifelong friend Youssef Howayek. He later studied art in Boston.
While most of Gibran's early writings were in Syriac and Arabic, most of his work published after 1918 was in English. Gibran also took part in the New York Pen League, also known as the "immigrant poets" (al-mahjar), alongside other important Lebanese American authors such as Ameen Rihani ("the father of Lebanese American literature"), Elia Abu Madi and Mikhail Naimy, a close friend and distinguished master of Arabic literature, whose nephew, Samir, is said to be a godson of Gibran.
Much of Gibran's writings deal with Christianity, mostly condemning the corrupt practices of the Eastern churches and their clergies during that era. His poetry is notable for its use of formal language, as well as insights on topics of life using spiritual terms.
Gibran's best-known work is The Prophet, a book composed of 26 poetic essays. During the 1960s, The Prophet became especially popular with the American counterculture and New Age movements. The Prophet remains famous to this day, having been translated into more than 20 languages.
One of his most notable lines of poetry in the English speaking world is from 'Sand and Foam' (1926), which reads : 'Half of what I say is meaningless, but I say it so that the other half may reach you'. This was taken by John Lennon and placed, though in a slightly altered form, into the song Julia from The Beatles' 1968 album The Beatles (a.k.a. The White Album).
Juliet Thompson, one of Khalil Gibran's acquaintances, said that Gibran told her that he thought of `Abdu'l-Bahá, the leader of the Bahá'í Faith in his lifetime, all the way through writing The Prophet. `Abdu'l-Bahá's personage also influenced Jesus, The Son of Man, another book by Gibran. It is certain that Gibran did two portraits of him during this period.[2]
[edit] Death and legacy

Khalil Gibran memorial in Washington, D.C.

The Gibran Museum and Gibran's final resting place, located in Bsharri, Lebanon
Gibran died in New York City on April 10, 1931: the cause was determined to be cirrhosis of the liver and tuberculosis. Before his death, Gibran expressed the wish that he be buried in Lebanon. This wish was fulfilled in 1932, when Mary Haskell and his sister Mariana purchased the Mar Sarkis Monastery in Lebanon. Gibran remains the most popular Lebanese-American writer ever.
Gibran willed the contents of his studio to Mary Haskell. There she discovered her letters to him spanning 23 years. She initially agreed to burn them because of their intimacy, but recognizing their historical value she saved them. She gave them, along with his letters to her which she had also saved, to the University of North Carolina Library before she died in 1964. Excerpts of the over six hundred letters were published in "Beloved Prophet" in 1972.
Mary Haskell Minis (she wed Jacob Florance Minis after moving to Savannah, Georgia in 1923) donated her personal collection of nearly one hundred original works of art by Gibran to the Telfair Museum of Art in Savannah in 1950. Haskell had been thinking of placing her collection at the Telfair as early as 1914. In a letter to Gibran, she explained, "...I am thinking of other museums...the unique little Telfair Gallery in Savannah, Ga., that Gari Melchers chooses pictures for. There when I was a visiting child, form burst upon my astonished little soul." Haskell's extraordinary gift to the Telfair is the largest public collection of Kahlil Gibran’s visual art in the country, consisting of five oils and numerous works on paper rendered in the artist’s lyrical style, which reflects the influence of symbolism.
[edit] Selected works
In Arabic:
• Ara'is al-Muruj (Nymphs of the Valley, also translated as Spirit Brides, 1906)
• al-Arwah al-Mutamarrida (Spirits Rebellious, 1908)
• al-Ajniha al-Mutakassira (Broken Wings, 1912)
• Dam'a wa Ibtisama (A Tear and A Smile, 1914)
• The Madman (1918)
• al-Mawakib (The Processions, 1919)
• al-‘Awāsif (The Tempests, 1920)
• The Forerunner (1920)
• al-Bada'i' waal-Tara'if (The New and the Marvellous,1923)
In English:
• The Prophet, (1923)
• Sand and Foam (1926)
• Jesus, The Son of Man (1928)
• The Earth Gods (1929)
• The Wanderer (1932)
• The Garden of The Prophet (1933)
• Beloved Prophet, The love letters of Kahlil Gibran and Mary Haskell, and her private journal (1972, edited by Virginia Hilu)
• The Sea
[edit] Gardens in honor of Gibran
• Gibran Khalil Gibran Garden, Beirut, Lebanon
• Kahlil Gibran Memorial Garden in Washington, D.C.
• Gibran Memorial Plaque in Copley Square, Boston, Massachusetts
[edit] Trivia

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The article could be improved by integrating relevant items and removing inappropriate ones.
• Khalil Gibran is referenced briefly in the episode Wingmen of the show The Boondocks. When Huey (the central character) is asked by his grandfather to say something "deep", he recites part of the poem "On Pain" from The Prophet.
• The Prophet is seen in the Johnny Cash biopic Walk the Line when June Carter hands it to J.R to read in the motel.
• In the popular video game Deus Ex, one of the three possible ending quotes is Gibran's quote: "Yesterday we obeyed kings and bent our necks before emperors. But today we kneel only to truth..." The western spelling of his name, Kahlil Gibran, was used to credit him.
• Jazz saxophonist Jackie McLean's "Kahlil the Prophet" is on his album Destination...Out! (1963) (Blue Note BLP 4165)
• Jason Mraz's song "God moves through you" on the album Selections For Friends features words from the poem "The Prophet"
• The lyrics to David Bowie's "The Width of a Circle", off his album The Man Who Sold the World (1970), relates a surrealist scene in which the narrator and his doppelgänger seek the help of a blackbird, who just "laughed insane and quipped 'Kahlil Gibran'".
• Mad magazine satirized him in The Profit by Kellogg Allbran.
• Khalil Gibran International Academy is a public high school in Brooklyn, NY
[edit] References
1. ^ Jagadisan, S. "Called by Life" in The Hindu, Sunday, Jan 05, 2003 (accessed July 11, 2007 here)
2. ^ Excerpts from Juliet Thompson Remembers Kahlil Gibran as told to Marzieh Gail. Khalil.org. Retrieved on 2007-06-13.
• Acocella, Joan. "Prophet Motive." The New Yorker (January 7, 2008)
• Daniels, Anthony. "The false prophet." The New Criterion, December 2007.
• Gibran, Kahlil. Kahlil Gibran: His Life and Works.
[edit] External links

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Khalil Gibran

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• Gibran Khalil Gibran Poems
• Gibran Khalil Gibran Biography
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lvjN2NK0NvA (Gibran A retrospective video)
• Comprehensive Gibran Site (All his works, photos, artwork, bio, downloads etc)
• Works by Khalil Gibran at Project Gutenberg
• Gibran Archive of Paintings and Books
• A Voice of Consciousness
• Khalil Gibran (1883-1931)
• Online copies of texts by Gibran
• Biography, searchable texts, paintings
• Kahlil Gibran Fan Site
• LitWeb.net: Kahlil Gibran Biography
• On Children, a poem by Kahlil Gibran with animation and sound. From Geometry from the Land of the Incas
• The Gibran Archive: Biography, Timeline, Drawings/Paintings and many Full Text books
• The First Gibran Site In China
• Khalil Gibran and the Bahá'í Faith
• Selection of Excerpts from "The Prophet" by Gibran Khalil Gibran.
• Myriam of Lebanon (established on The Prophet
• Khalil Gibran at h2g2
• Children of Al-Mahjar: Arab American Literature Spans a Century general history of Arab American literature
• Gibran Memorial in Washington, DC
• Inscription in The Prophet
• US Copyright durations
• Review of Gibran's Collected Works, First Things (2007)
• Jacobs, Alan (2007) On the Recent Publication of Kahlil Gibran’s Collected Works A parodic review
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عدد الرسائل : 228
العمر : 30
الموقع : https://rayenne94.yoo7.com
العمل/الترفيه : القراءة،الرسم،السباحة،التعارف...
المزاج : مرحة،صريحة،مخلصة،تحب العمل
تاريخ التسجيل : 07/01/2008

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: جبران خليل جبران بالفرنسية   جبران خليل جبران بالفرنسية I_icon_minitimeالأحد أبريل 20, 2008 7:45 pm

merci bella c tres bien
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قمر الجزائر

عدد الرسائل : 48
العمر : 30
العمل/الترفيه : تلميذة
المزاج : هادئة جدا وسعيدة دوما
تاريخ التسجيل : 05/05/2008

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: جبران خليل جبران بالفرنسية   جبران خليل جبران بالفرنسية I_icon_minitimeالإثنين مايو 05, 2008 7:02 pm

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عدد الرسائل : 8
العمل/الترفيه : طالب
المزاج : عادي
تاريخ التسجيل : 31/03/2008

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: جبران خليل جبران بالفرنسية   جبران خليل جبران بالفرنسية I_icon_minitimeالجمعة مايو 16, 2008 3:53 pm

يسلمووووووو بس مش فاهم شي بصراحة



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ريان مديرة المنتدى
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المديرة العامة
ريان مديرة المنتدى

عدد الرسائل : 228
العمر : 30
الموقع : https://rayenne94.yoo7.com
العمل/الترفيه : القراءة،الرسم،السباحة،التعارف...
المزاج : مرحة،صريحة،مخلصة،تحب العمل
تاريخ التسجيل : 07/01/2008

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: جبران خليل جبران بالفرنسية   جبران خليل جبران بالفرنسية I_icon_minitimeالجمعة مايو 16, 2008 6:19 pm

خلاص ما حدا رح يصير يحكي فرنسي

والله يعين

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